Jake's Day at the Beach

Now that Jake is used to riding in the truck he was excited when Chris and Karen said they would take him to a beach.
Jake is not a water dog. He grew up in Ka'u, surrounded by lava rock.

So when he got to the beach he immediately went exploring.

He found a tidepool with little hermit crabs.

He found a place where water gushed right out of the earth. It was more water than he had ever seen.

And since it was getting hot, he decided, what better way to cool down then to take a sip?
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Chris said.

But Jake ignored him. He kept on drinking until suddenly....he didn't feel so good and began throwing up.

So Chris and Karen took him home and gave him fresh water. Then he went to sleep and dreamed of a beach where all the water was fresh.
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