Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Getting somewhere

I'm finally getting somewhere in the "look for a new job" department. I mailed out one packet of clips and just completed a cover letter for another packet.

Cover letters are dasterdly things. They're supposed to be a short, concise, quick read for a harried boss who may spot a typo or grammar error and toss it in the trash. Yet, I remember when my company was hiring for a new writer and the cover letters that seemed to stand out to my bosses all had funny little anecdotes or some descriptive paragraphs. In other words, the ones that at least attempted creative thinking stood out the most.

So that's what I tried to employ with mine. It's too late for the one I already sent out. That one was all business. But this one, I re-wrote three times. The first time I re-read it I noticed a lot of repetitive words bogging down the second paragraph. Re-wrote that. Then read it again and realized that the whole thing made me sound like a bore. No personality. So I added in a couple more paragraphs about myself. Make it at least seem like I have some color to my personality.

We'll see how it goes.