Thursday, September 02, 2004

A gecko tale

One day I left my untouched glass of ginger ale on the counter. Chris' mom found it there the next day with a Madagascar day gecko drowned in it.

Oh the poor thing, she thought. It's so obvious he was lapping up the sweet stuff when he fell in and couldn't get out. Well I can't just leave him here.

So she carried the glass to the back yard, dug a little hole and proceeded to dump the contents of the glass into the grave. At which point, the gecko darted up her arm, probably mistaking her for God.

Oh my goodness, Chris' mom thought. You're still alive. Well you'll have to get off my arm.

But the gecko didn't want to leave. He wanted to stick close to his maker.

Chris' mom shooed him away. She immediately realized her mistake. She'd just sent a gecko, exhausted from a near-drowning and covered in sugar, to brave nature alone.