Friday, July 16, 2004

A Professional Job

Management in all its wisdom has decided to expand the office space by knocking down the wall separating us from the dark room. Dark rooms are a thing of the past anyway. The photogs all use digital now.

A week ago the guy contracted to knock the wall down took the clock off the wall. Three days past and nothing more happened.

I told Andrea I was convinced management was paying the contractor by the hour, starting from the moment the clock was removed.

The wall has finally come down though.

Yesterday I watched Ken the computer guy sawing a hole to create an additional electrical outlet for the new expanded area. I found it endlessly amusing because Ken is such a small, bouncy, good natured guy. It was like watching Snoopy saw.

Everyone else was giving him death stares though because the sawing sounded like "fingernails scraping a chalkboard," as Ken cheerfully described it.

Anyway, one of my co-workers caught my eye as we watched the sawing. "You know," he said. "Someone should tell Ken the ladies bathroom is on the other side of that wall."

Fortunately, it wasn't RIGHT on the other side. There was some space in between.

Nonetheless a couple of secretaries came out of the bathroom and saw Ken. "Oh so that was YOU making all that noise!" they exclaimed.