Friday, September 17, 2004

The title of this post is This Post

Awhile ago, the publication I work for decided to expand. To add sections. Sections like "Island Living," "Our Heritage", and "People and Places." Each writer was to be responsible for contributing to a section (in addition to their regular assignments).
This served the double function of creating MORE CONTENT WITHOUT HIRING MORE PEOPLE.

Now, less than a year into the glorious expansion, we are already running into problems. Like, who is covering the regular assignments when there are four or five sections more a week to fill? Apparently not enough of us. So in an effort to please the Head Honchos, the Mid-level-honchos have decided to consolodate the sections. After all, they reasoned, a story about a 88-year-old man who fought in World War II could easily fill the category of "Our Heritage", "Seniors," "Island Living," "People and Places" or "Name that Smell."

As one mid-level-honcho put it: "Island Living IS Our Heritage."

He made this announcement at one of our infrequent staff meetings, where most of us doodle or stare out the window or glance nervously at the second hand on the wall clock.

No one seemed moved by the announcement. A few months ago, I would have had the urge to scream, "If Island Living is Our Heritage why do we need Our Heritage?!"

But I am beginning to see now, that that would be entirely besides the point. You don't question these things, however illogical and ridiculous. You just let your eyes glaze over and wait for the next commandment.

My job is becoming a religious experience.