I have a guilty confession

My brother has been a World Wrestling Entertainment fan since its days as the World Wrestling Federation. I think he picked it up from my grandpa. The two of them would sit in Grampa's basement and watch over-muscled men slap each other around. My Uncle Alan couldn't believe it because when he was a kid he always wanted to watch wrestling but Grampa would shut the power off if he caught the kids watching TV.
But I digress. As usual.
My brother has been a WWE fan since the days when Hulk Hogan had hair and he was still a fan when Hulk Hogan became Hollywood Hogan The Bad Guy who started the New World Order (NWO).
In high school it really sucked ass that my brother liked wrestling so much because he always wanted to watch Monday Night RAW (RAW is WAR) on the USA Network and that frickin' show always came on at the same time as Ally McBeal, a cleverly written comedy about a nuerotic lawyer with a social disorders and quirky coworkers that was MY choice of television for Monday evenings.
So lots of fights over TV. And even though we were in high school, we weren't above hitting each other and being generally ornery.
Him: "I don't want to watch that stupid show. It's junk."
Me: "You're a fat loser. Wrestling is fake."
Him: "F you."
Me: "Fine watch your dumbass wrestling."
Him: "Nevermind then. Just watch your stupid show."
And then we'd watch Ally McBeal til almost the end at which point he would change channels back to USA to catch the end of RAW (which was the most exciting part anyway).
I never admitted this to my brother but I sort of came to enjoy the wrestling. There was drama and they did things to draw you in and empathize with the "characters."
I bring this all up now because he's watching wrestling again and Sean Michaels is in the ring. Geez, how old is that guy? Surely younger than Hogan and Rick "Nature Boy" Flair, but some of those guys have been doing this for years and I wonder how they manage.
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