Friday, January 14, 2005


Chris: Today my dad cooked a pizza on one of those big cookie sheets. I came home and there was only one slice left. I looked in the refrigerator and there was the cookie sheet with just one slice of pizza.

Me: He put the entire cookie sheet in the refrigerator with just one slice of pizza?

Chris: Yeah.

Me: Wow. You know if your dad and I were roommates could you imagine --

Chris: Oh I know. It'd be bad. I don't want to go there.
What do you think about your... messiness?

Me: What about it?

Chris: I mean, is there any chance of remedying this? Or is this something I'm just going to have to learn to live with?

Me: No, I think I can change. I'm actually looking forward to that aspect of this whole move. I can start anew. I keep imagining how I can decorate a new place and do more cooking. That's the thing, I keep imagining all the stuff I'll get to do, all the time I'll spend knitting and decorating and spending money but really I probably won't have the time or the money to spend.

Chris: Uh huh.