Friday, January 07, 2005

Rose Tea Soap

Rose Tea Soap, originally uploaded by kaiwa_4.

Had dinner with Chris' mom and sister last night and got a belated Christmas gift from them. Rose tea scented soap. It smells very elegant and Victorian and classy. I probably won't be able to bring myself to use them.

I feel all warm inside. Ahhh. Some people like me.

Seeing that girl Tiffany did call up harsh feelings. It's weird how you grow up and think you get over stuff like that but it continues to haunt you.

Some of my co-workers still like me too, or are willing to put up a decent front. They're treating me to lunch on the 20th, my last day of work. I know not ALL of my co-workers are fond of me though. I have stepped on some toes and don't leave without some regrets.