Incidentally, Ruby and I seem to be sychronized
So, as I said, I had dinner with Chris' mom and sister.
"Do you need help with anything?" I asked hopefully as Chris' mom checked on the steak, got juice out of the refrigerator and generally kept herself busy. (I have trouble staying still, so I really hoped she'd hand me something to do).
"No, no don't be silly. Just sit down and enjoy yourself. Ruby! Ruby!! Dear, can you come set the table?!"
From the bathroom: "I SAID I would!! But I'm in the SHOWER now!!" This followed by the distinct thump of a door not-quite-slamming.
Chris' mom turned to me and said in a stage whisper: "Ruby's like that now, but don't mind her. She just started getting her period."
From the bathroom: "I heard that Mom! I'm not deaf!"
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