Just let it go, Ryan
I have this co-worker. He's cool enough. No actually he's a big nerd, but he's not meanspirited. He's just a bit of an annoying know-it-all. Which should be OK, since he makes it his business to always be right so it's not like he's talking out of his ass. He just is one at times.
One of our other co-workers asked for directions to get to a certain cafe. I started to give her the directions, Ryan interrupted to basically give the same directions except he said the cafe was located before the theatre building. I said I was pretty sure it was past the theatre.
But whatever. We both agreed there was a big sign in front of the cafe and our co-worker, who is presumably literate if she works with us, would find the place.
And she did.
"Yup, found it with no problem," she said, after getting back from lunch.
Good. Let's leave well enough alone, shall we?
Oh no. Not Ryan. He can't be wrong and he can't shut up.
"So," he said. "Was it before or after the theatre?"
"It was after," she replied.
"Oh," said a genuinely stunned sounding Ryan. "I guess I was wrong. I could have sworn it was before."
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