Everything is OK
I'm settling in OK. Or, to be more honest, today was not a bad day so I am not feeling so bad about being here.
Chris and I went to Durango, Colo. this weekend. It's an hour's drive away from here. Such a cute town, albeit a little touristy. Next time, I promise, I will take my camera.
This is what I learned so far about the place I am at: Farmington is actually a city. It's part of San Juan County in New Mexico. There are two other cities in San Juan County: Bloomfield and Aztec. Bloomfield, at least what I've seen is as dreadfully industrial looking as Farmington, but Aztec is charming. A new Thai food restaurant is opening in Aztec and I'm excited to try it. Asian food in this state, so far, has been less than stellar. The kim chee Chris bought in Albuquerque was bad. And the Thai food restaurant I ate at in Albuquerque had "kung pao chicken" on the menu and served fortune cookies at the end of the meal.
My co-workers banded together to try to get laptops for every reporter and our editor told them, "You guys are stepping into the future. Farmington is stuck in the past. That's its charm."
I'm really liking my new editor. Funny guy, and not sketchy like my first editor.
I'm posting from the coffee shop again and they're having an open mike so it's crowded and I feel like everyone can just read over my shoulder. Which is dumb since in 15 seconds I'm going to hit "post" and publish this on the Internet anyway.
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