Of all the fucking nerve
I run into this lady I met maybe once or twice and she introduces me to her friend, this other older lady. We get to chatting and I mention that I'd really like to see Taos. This older lady rolls her eyes at me and goes, "Oh Taos. Everyone wants to go to Taos." Then launches into this long-ass rant about how touristy Taos has become and how trendy it is and oh, everybody wants to see Taos and it's ruining Taos and Taos used to be so cool.
And I stood there politely smiling and nodding but the whole time thinking, Who the fuck are you lady? You think I don't know a thing or two about annoying pretentious tourists? I'm from fucking Hawaii and I hope you never come and visit because Hawaii used to be so cool and interesting until all these loud, ignorant visitors who think they're the shit because they went on a tour and read a plaque and can go home and start lecturing people about Hawaii, started hoarding in.
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