Thursday, April 07, 2005


I was at some meeting yesterday and after it was over I ended up chatting with some former city commissioner who let it slip that he'd over heard my editor talking on a cell phone about how much he hated Farmington. This former commissioner swore me to secrecy but I could tell from his tone that he didn't have a high opinion of an editor who came from somewhere else and expressed such utter contempt for Farmington.

This kind of bothered me as well, since I'd expressed on numerous occasions, always half-jokingly, to my editor that I hated Farmington. And he had never agreed or expressed a similar opinion, just joked around about my hating Farmington.

So when I got back to the office I went up to my editor, who'd been there way to long and was going, "Moooooooo. Mooooooooo" at his computer for no apparent reason. I walked right up to him and said, "What's that weird noise you're making?"

"What weird noise?" he replied.

Then I said, "Admit it. You hate Farmington too. Admit it."

And he was quiet for a little while and then he smiled and said, "You know what it is? Right now Farmington just doesn't have much to offer me. I don't have any friends here, it just doesn't have much to offer except this job."

He said this. I believe he meant it honestly. And now I can honestly say Farmington is not so bad. I hated the cold winter, the frost on my car, the icky cold I caught TWICE, the grumpy Republicans, the rude Liberals. But Farmington is not so bad because I like my co-workers, I like my boss, I d0n't feel dread every time I entered the building. And that is how I felt about my job in Kona, about my boss there.

I think I have found the silver lining, and I musn't take it for granted.