What's possessed me?
I don't know what possessed me. Perhaps it was the success I am having at knitting cables. Whatever it was, something possessed me to turn to one of my co-workers, Kim the page designer, and say, "I wish I knew someone else who knit. I want to teach someone to knit."
Her eyes lit up and she squealed, "Oh, teach me! I want to learn."
So I said I would and immediately dropped the subject, secretly hoping she'd forget about it. You see, as soon as the words flew out of my mouth I thought of how hard it could be to teach someone else to knit. There is also a bit of selfishness involved as I knit alone and take some pride in having taught myself. I don't want someone else to learn and maybe get better than me! Total selfishness. And then there was this thought: I hope she doesn't ask to borrow my knitting needles or books 'cause I don't want someone else to have 'em.
I don't. I reallly don't. I'm like that. Chris knows it too by now, because he's borrowed my computer before.
My co-worker hasn't forgotten though. I went shopping with her today and we passed some knitting kits at Target and she commented that they reminded her of me. Then she said, "I was thinking, maybe if you get done with work early on Thursday you can come over and teach me how to knit."
I agreed of course.
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