I just vented to Chris about my crooked nose editor, and I feel much better. So much better, that I vow not to call her crooked nosed anymore. I just want to get along, and negative thinking and whining won't get me there.
Food for fish, er, thought
I just vented to Chris about my crooked nose editor, and I feel much better. So much better, that I vow not to call her crooked nosed anymore. I just want to get along, and negative thinking and whining won't get me there.
Me: The city editor likes to stand really close to you when she talks. Did you ever notice that?
I found this little gem, labeled, "farmington is weird," rotting away forgotten on my computer desktop. It's incomplete.
I'm back to reading all the time.
I have downloaded some pretty cheesy songs in the past. The thing is, I've stopped "really" listening to music for so long (about two years, I just put up with whatever's on the radio now days) that I forgot just how cheesy.
The more I listen to the Morning Sedition podcast, the less I like it. Maybe it's cause I think Marc Maron's arrogant and full of himself. Maybe it's because I heard him bash Al Franken and I actually like Franken's show (well the guests he gets are relevent and the interviews are pretty good).
I don't know what I was thinking. Driving 61 miles out of Farmington on a near-empty tank of gas. Lindsey, the photographer, clearly thought I had lost my mind, or was at least guilty of irresponsibility in the planning department.
It's like fucking Arizona over here people.
So there's this girl. She's the publisher's administrative assistant (read: secretary) and she's writing a column for the paper to chronicle her experiences in this self-help housing program called ECHO HELP. It's basically like Habitat for Humanity so her family and a bunch of other families are going to build each others' homes and the "sweat equity" will be their down payment.
There's this grocery store in Albuquerque that's actually a co-op of sorts for local growers. Chris tries to shop there whenever he can cause the quality's so much better. In the freezer section, I spotted a little tub of soy-based green tea ice cream. It was expensive, but memories of creamy green-tea goodness in Hawaii prodded me into buying it. To say it was a disappointment would be an understatement. The stuff tasted like frozen lettuce mashed into paste.
Downloading podcasts over dial-up? I wouldn't recommend it. No sirree. It might get a tad bit frustrating. You might start to hate Apple, even though it's not Apple's fault, it's Farmington's fault.
One of the photogs recently expressed gratitude for Durango, saying when you live in Farmington it's nice to escape to someplace with a pulse. Not only is there nothing to do in this town after 8 p.m. (and believe me, I'm not the partying type anyway), you can't even escape on the high-speed Internet at your own home.
Sometimes I wonder what people think when they see me and Chris together. Mostly I assume we blend right in, no eyebrows raised because in today's world, there's nothing unusual about an interracial couple right?
R, the news clerk was mad at me all week. I knew she was, but I didn't bring it up because I didn't want to put myself in a submissive position, a weak position where I'd be mumbling or pleading, "I'm sorry. It was my fault, I'm sorry." Which is how I handle a lot of problems. Absorb the blame and bury it away.
Tonight, I had a mean headache and Chris listened to me moan and groan for half and hour over the phone even though he was dead tired. I took two Excedrin and it took forever, it seemed, to kick in. Yes, during my time of the month I don't get crampy in that area, my BRAIN cramps up instead. Great.
I think a lot of people, when they find out my boyfriend is a farrier, assume he's some redneck cowboy who wears a cowboy hat and buckle 24/7 and maybe even has a reed sticking out of his mouth, which he somehow manages to grip with his lips even as he spitting a wad of tobacco.
Honestly, before I met Chris, if someone had asked me what a farrier was, I would have had to look it up in the dictionary. Chris is not a redneck. He used to surf, for chrissakes. He listens to Air America (very few redneck cowboy types here listen to Air America. OK. So the station's not even available in Farmington. If it was, I'm sure someone would try to burn the studio down). He talks a lot about politics, usually intelligently, although I'm so used to it I often tune it out. (Sorry! I can listen to Al Franken. He's funny, but I heard somewhere his own wife doesn't think he's funny).
So Chris. He wears contemporary clothes, doesn't chew, spit or smoke tobacco, and usually shows up to the job in cargo shorts. Anyway I have a tendency to be oblivious so it didn't dawn on me that some people would think my boyfriend was a "redneck" until one of my co-workers said something about "so I heard you're dating this cowboy." and then I mentioned to my boss that my boyfriend was a farrier and he looked surprised and said, "Really??"
I guess I don't look the type who'd date a cowboy. Ha!
All of this to say, next week I'm meeting this guy who grew up in Bloomfield (neighboring city) and is now a semi-famious designer of fashion doll clothes (fashion dolls=high-end Barbies). His doll clothes retail for $59! I only talked with him briefly, but I instantly knew he could never, never, in a million gazillion years have fit in in Bloomfield. Him: little boys who liked to dress up dolls. Bloomfield: hard-working, beer-drinking, church-going men who work in oil fields.
Anyway, I'm really interested in meeting him actually. He no longer lives in Bloomfield (of COURSE) but is in town for a few days. Like, Chris, he too holds down a job that I wouldn't have thought even existed and is happily (well mostly happily) making a living at it.
I wonder what people would think if I told them my boyfriend was a fashion doll clothing designer. Judging from my co-worker's reactions, they would assume I'd have to be a boy myself.
I've been a knitting fiend all this months, so much so that I've started a knitting blog over at blogspirit.com. I won't give the url because the thing I discovered about knit blogging is that it's boring as hell, at least when I do it. As someone pretty much obsessed with the craft, I've spent many months hunting through knit blog after knit blog (there are hundreds, dare I say even thousands of knit bloggers out there) and many are entertaining and inspirational. I think I like reading knit blogs better than having one of my own. Maybe I just can't come up with anything better than "Floating Flotsam."
For some reason, Marcy the intern keeps coming around. I have no idea why. She shows no real interest in news gathering, and not much natural aptitude for it either. Yet she comes every Tuesday and Thursday, blonde hair done up in a messy bun, dragging her tatoo-ed feet, one shoulder dragged down by that heavy Louis Vuitton bag.
Some days I feel so bad, I feel like maybe I should stand on the yellow line and wait for the next car. My stomach feels all tight and upset, I am stressed, I am emotional, I am withdrawn, I am whiny.